How to Join CRM

Step 1

Download and complete your application form, including your authorised representative/s. This person/people will be the contact person between the Council and your Station, and will represent and protect your interests.

Step 2

Prepare your company profile.

Step 3

Prepare the following supporting documents, completed and certified true:

  1. Form 9
  2. Form 13 (if any applicable)
  3. Form 24
  4. Form 49
  5. Form 44
  6. Latest Audited Accounts
  7. Memorandum of Articles & Association
  8. Your company’s credentials

Step 4

Prepare a cheque for the appropriate membership fees:

Entrance Fees: RM1,000.00

Annual Subscriptions:

  1. RM8,000/year for Ordinary Members who operate radio broadcasting on a NATIONAL level to 5 states or more;
  2. RM4,000/year for Ordinary Members who operate radio broadcasting on a STATE level to 4 states or less; and
  3. RM1,000/year for Associate Members.

Step 5

Submit your form, profile and supporting documents to (Ms. Wani Ramli).

What happens next?

Your application will be presented and tabled for approval at the next monthly council meeting by the Secretary of the Council.

Once your membership is approved, your representative member will receive the official letter of notification signed by the President, receipt of payment, and the Rules of the Association.

You will then be invited and expected to attend monthly Council meetings.