Be a CRM Member!

Join a professional fraternity that includes some of Malaysia’s most successful and influential commercial radio broadcasters.

The more private broadcasters that join as members, the stronger a front we present to address issues and uphold issues of mutual interest.

Member Benefits

  • Get access to a wide range of expertise, business interests, resources and service opportunities
  • Gain opportunities to enhance your networks of industry contacts
  • Education and training for further professional development
  • Collaborate with other members on best practices, opportunities and discussions of common challenges.
  • Gain further knowledge and skills to meet professional challenges
  • Secure commercial viability

Membership Categories and Fees

Ordinary Member

You pay:

  1. RM1,000 one-time entrance fee
  2. RM8,000 annual subscription for national broadcasters covering 5 states or more, OR
    RM4,000 annual subscription for state broadcasters covering 4 states or fewer

Associate Members

(Associate members do not have the right to receive notice of General Meetings, nor the right to vote)

You pay:

  1. RM1,000 one-time entrance fee
  2. RM1,000 annual subscription